Heart of Sea in Minecraft: How to Find and Use It

Minecraft is one of the most played games globally, and players can’t seem to put the game down. It’s suited for any type of player with a thirst for adventure with its diverse play style. Recently in patch 1.4, the game developers introduced this new mystery item called Heart of Sea in Minecraft. Many players were interested in finding out what this new mystery item does, but they found out that obtaining this item will not be an easy task. 

The Heart of Sea is a conduit, and when you use it underwater, it will give you the ability to see underwater and breathe underwater as well. 

Here are some tips on how to find and use the Heart of Sea.

Get Ready for The Adventure

To find the Heart of Sea in Minecraft you must decide if you want to start this adventure in Survival mode or Creative mode. 

Each has its benefit, but the easiest will be to play in Creative mode. This is due to the game, allowing you to breathe underwater, and you have unlimited lives in Creative mode.

If you want to experience the fullness of this adventure to find the Heart of Sea, then you should play in Survival.

To find the Heart of Sea in Minecraft while playing Survival, you will need to prepare for all the obstacles you will face. 

You will need: 

  • It’s recommended having an enchanted set of Armor 
  •  You will need Respiration 3
  • Aqua Affinity
  • Depth Strider 3

If you don’t have these items by any chance, then an alternative is crafting water breathing potions. 

You may also want to consider obtaining night vision if you plan to find the Heart of Sea in Survival.

Heart of Sea

To the Sea, We Go

Now that we have all we need to find the Heart of Sea, we need to find a Biomes. To find an ocean Biome, it can be difficult depending on where you spawn on the map. 

However, if you follow the rivers in Minecraft you will be led to an ocean Biome.

You can also try going to a high place so you can have a vantage point and try to locate the ocean Biome. 

Finding a Shipwreck

When you locate the ocean Biome you will need to start exploring the sea to find shipwrecks. 

Again, depending on which mode you are playing Minecraft either in Survival or Creative you may need to strategize on how you will find the shipwreck.

If you’re playing in Survival you will need to use your items to see and breathe underwater, so you won’t receive any damage. 

If you are playing in Creative, you can simply jump in and find the shipwreck.

Once we find the shipwreck, our next step will be to search the ship for a treasure chest.

It’s very important to find and take the items that are within the treasure chest because it will most likely contain a treasure map. 

The treasure map will give you a location that you need to go, to be one step closer to finding the Heart of Sea in Minecraft.

Heart of Sea in Minecraft

X Marks the Spot

Once we’ve found the treasure map, our next step is to get out of the water and go on a treasure hunt. 

When you open the map in your inventory, it will give you the general layout of where you need to go, and it will have a white dot icon that symbolizes where you are. 

So, if you are confused about where you’re going simply open the map and see where you are with the white dot’s help.

Once you find the spot where the treasure chest is, you will need to start digging. 

If you’re playing in Survival, you should use a shovel with an efficiency of 5 because it will quickly clear out the sand. However, if you’re playing in Creative then you can use anything to dig.

Finding the treasure chest can be very exciting, especially for what it contains. 

When you open the chest, you will find the Heart of Sea alongside other treasures such as gold and fish. 

Many people are confused when they have the Heat of Sea because it appears to do nothing. 

What people don’t know is the Heart of Sea can only be used in a crafting recipe. 

How to Use Heart of Sea in Minecraft

To use the Heart of Sea, you will need to acquire the Nautilus shell. 

This item is also difficult to find, but you can find them in treasure chests or trading with the wondering trader. 

One other popular way to obtain the Nautilus shell is if you go fishing while being AFK.

You will need about 8 Nautilus shells to use the Heart of Sea.

Crafting the Heart of Sea

To use the Heart of Sea in Minecraft, you must go to your crafting section and place the Heart of Sea in the middle and surround it with the Nautilus shell.

From there, you will be able to craft a conduit. 

How to Use the Conduit

The Heart of Sea conduit can be a very beneficial item in your inventory. 

By using this conduit correctly, you will be able to breathe underwater as well as see everything underwater.

To use the conduit, you will need to go underwater and make sure you have Prismarine blocks. 

Once you have sufficient Prismarine blocks, you will need to build a Conduit Frame to place the conduit in the middle. 

Conduit Frame

Building a Conduit Frame

To build the conduit frame, you will need 42 Prismarine blocks to unlock its full power. 

  • You can start by placing one Prismarine block, and on top, you can place the conduit. 
  • You will need to destroy the Prismarine block you placed, and once you do so, the conduit will look as if it’s floating. 
  • From there you will place the Prismarine blocks in the form of an “X” underneath the conduit. 
  • At the end of each side, you will place three additional blocks but going up then three blocks going across. 
  • You will do this for each side until it resembles a cage, and only until then you will activate the power of the Heart of Sea. 


Many players asked for help in their attempts to find this new mysterious item. I hope this article helped you to find out what is Heart of Sea in Minecraft, how to get it and how to properly use it. It’s not the easiest task around, but if you follow all the steps above, you will do it in a heartbeat.

BONUS TIP: If you are looking for more challenges in this game, you might want to check our comprenehsive guide to every achievement in Minecraft.


Minecraft Holy Bible: Guide to Every Achievement

Minecraft had achievements added in its 1.5 update, and while most of the achievements are easy to unlock, a few of the later ones can be tricky. This guide is like a Minecraft Holy Bible and will outline how to unlock every achievement in the guide, with helpful tips and a step by step walkthrough for each one.

Taking Inventory

This is the very first Minecraft achievement that you can get and simply requires you to open your inventory. Press the “i” button and you’ll unlock this achievement. Once you’ve earned this achievement, you can unlock ‘Getting Wood’.

Getting Wood

This is relatively straightforward. Walk up to a tree, and punch it with your hand until you collect a block of wood. Trees can be found pretty much everywhere, and there should be a bunch around your starting area. Once you’ve earned this achievement, you can unlock ‘Benchmarking’.

Minecraft Holy Bible


This is also pretty easy to unlock. Open your inventory, and place the Minecraft wooden block into your crafting box. It will turn into four wooden planks. Take these planks and fill every square in your crafting box with one wooden plank. This will make a workbench and earn you the achievement, which allows you to unlock ‘Time to Strike!’, ‘Time to Farm!’, and ‘Time to Mine!’, the three paths of Minecraft achievements.

The Time to Farm Path

  • The first achievement, titled ‘Time to Farm!’, requires you to make a wooden hoe. This can be done by collecting another wooden block and turning it into wooden planks in your inventory. Take two of the wooden planks, and place one over the other in your crafting box to create wooden sticks. Then, on your crafting table, place a stick in the centre box and the bottom middle box. Then, place your two remaining wooden planks in the top middle and the top left box to craft a hoe. This will earn you the achievement, and allow you to unlock ‘Bake Bread’ and ‘The Lie’.
  • The second achievement, ‘Bake Bread’, requires you to make a loaf of bread. In order to do this, first you must find some tall grass, which is fairly common, spawning on grass-covered dirt blocks. Use your hands or the hoe that you just crafted to break the grass until you have three seeds. Then, use the hoe on three dirt blocks (it doesn’t matter if they are grass-covered or not) to turn them into farmland. Hold the seeds and right click on each block. You then have to wait anywhere from 1-3 in game days until the seeds grow into wheat, which you can then harvest by left-clicking. Place the wheat in a full vertical row on the crafting table to make bread and earn the Minecraft achievement.
  • The third and final achievement in this tier or this Minecraft Holy Bible guide, ‘The Lie’ is one of the hardest to earn. You must craft 3 buckets out of iron bars, which are made by using a furnace (made out of 8 stone blocks arranged on a crafting table with the centre empty) to smelt iron ore. Arrange these bars so that the middle right and left slots on the crafting table are filled, as well as the bottom middle. Then use each bucket on a cow to fill them with milk. Harvest three wheat using the procedure listed in the above achievement, and then follow a chicken until it lays an egg. Then, you need to find two sugar canes, which can be found on dirt blocks that are adjacent to water. Harvest them with your hands and then craft them into sugar by placing the stack into any single crafting slot. Then, arrange the ingredients on the crafting table so milk buckets fill the entire top row, the centre slot is the egg, with the sugar in the middle left and right slots, and the wheat making up the entire bottom row. This will craft a cake, and earn you the Minecraft achievement.

BONUS TIP: If you want to find more Minecraft guides and tutorials, you should check this The Unofficial Holy Bible for Minecrafters.

Minecraft tutorial

Time to Strike Path

  • Let’s continue with the Minecraft Holy Bible Achievement Guide. The first achievement in this tier is ‘Time to Strike’ and is earned by creating a wooden sword. To do this, collect another wooden block from a tree, and turn it into wooden planks. Create wooden sticks, and then one of the sticks on the bottom middle slot with two wooden planks directly above it in a horizontal column to earn the achievement, and unlock ‘Cow Tipper’ and ‘Monster Hunter.’
  • ‘Cow Tipper’ requires you to harvest some leather from a cow. Find a cow, which shouldn’t be hard as they usually spawn out in the open fairly regularly. Equip your sword, and attack the cow; it should take three hits with a wooden sword to kill it. If the cow drops leather, you’ll earn the achievement and unlock ‘When Pigs Fly’. If it doesn’t drop any leather, keep killing cows until you get leather.
  • ‘When Pigs Fly’ is earned by first finding a saddle. These can be found in dungeons, which can be found underground in caves. Once you find a dungeon, illuminate it with torches so that the monster spawner will stop spawning monsters to attack you. Then, look in the chests to see if you found a saddle. You may have to raid more than one dungeon to find the saddle. Once you’ve found the saddle, put it on a pig that is near a cliff by right-clicking with the saddle. Then, throw a snowball (found by breaking snow with a shovel) on it from point-blank range and ride the pig by right-clicking on it so that the pig will fly off the cliff while you ride it. Make sure that the cliff doesn’t end in water, or you won’t earn this Minecraft achievement.
  • ‘Monster Hunter’ Minecraft achievement requires you to kill any aggressive monster (which means pigs, cows, and chickens won’t count). This is easily done by staying outdoors during the night and repeatedly hitting a zombie with your sword until it dies. Stay away from creepers, which will explode and deal a lot of damage to you. Setting the difficulty to easy is a helpful way to get this achievement if you’re having trouble killing enemies.
Minecraft Holy Bible of achievement guides

Time to Mine Tier

  • How do you like this Minecraft Holy Bible type of comprehensive guide? Let’s continue, the first achievement requires you to make a wooden pickaxe. In order to do this, collect two wooden blocks, and turn them into wooden planks. Create wooden sticks by placing a plank above another plank to make four sticks. Then, place two wooden sticks in the centre and bottom middle crafting table slots and wooden planks in the top vertical row. You’ll earn the achievement, and unlock ‘Getting an Upgrade’ and ‘Hot Topic’.
  • ‘Getting an Upgrade’ requires you to craft a pickaxe that isn’t made of wood. The easiest way to earn this achievement is to use your wooden pickaxe to mine three stone blocks, and then replace the wooden planks in the above method with the stone blocks to create a stone pickaxe and earn the achievement.
  • ‘Hot Topic’ is earned by creating a furnace, which was needed to earn the cake achievement (‘The Lie’, when creating the buckets). Simply create a furnace by arranging stone blocks on your crafting table so that every slot is filled but the centre slot, and you’ll earn this achievement and unlock ‘Delicious Fish’ and ‘Acquire Hardware’.
  • For ‘Delicious Fish’, you must create a fishing rod. To do this, you must kill spiders, either during the day or night, to collect two strings. Then, arrange wooden sticks in a diagonal line on the crafting table, with the bottom left slot, the centre slot, and the top right slot filled with the sticks. Place the two strings in the middle right and bottom right slots to craft a fishing rod. Then, catch a fish by casting the fishing rod in the water until a splash is made. Then, right click to reel in the catch. With good timing, you can catch a fish, which is then cooked in your furnace to earn the achievement.
  • Acquire Hardware’ is another achievement that would have been earned in ‘The Lie’, as it requires you to find iron ore and smelt it into an iron bar with your furnace. Simply mine downwards, or look in caves to find iron ore, which is an orange/beige colour and requires a stone or better pickaxe to mine (wooden pickaxes won’t work). Smelt the ore in your furnace to earn this achievement, and unlock ‘On a Rail’.
  • This is by far the hardest achievement to earn in Minecraft, but with a little effort and a lot of iron, it can be done. In order to earn ‘On a Rail’, you must travel 1000 blocks (the equivalent of 1km in real life) in a rail cart. Sixteen rails are built using six iron bars, with three in horizontal columns on both the left and right sides, and a single wooden stick in the centre slot. You need 378 iron bars and 63 sticks to create the necessary amount of rails. Lay all the rails in a straight line, so that it covers 1000 blocks. Then, build two mine carts by filling the bottom vertical row of the crafting table, as well as the middle left and right slots with iron bars twice. Two mine carts require ten iron bars. Then, build another furnace (see ‘Hot Topic’) and place it in the centre slot of the crafting table. Then, take one of the mine carts and place it in the bottom middle slot to craft a powered minecart. Place the powered minecart behind the regular minecart on the tracks, and power the powered minecart using fuel (any form of wood, or coal, which works best) to push you along the rails. If you don’t earn the achievement once you’ve completed the journey, add a few more rails and try again.
Minecraft tutorial


That is the complete, comprehensive guide, something like Minecraft Holy Bible on unlocking every single achievement in Minecraft, going even further in detail than the Minecraft Wiki and based on personal experience with the game. With patience and the steps and tips outlined in this guide, you’ll be able to unlock every achievement in the game within a few hours of gameplay. You will also be well on your way to discovering Diamonds and making your way to the Nether.

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